"Foss Waterway Medium"
Mixmedia, Size 20" X 24
"Ancient Walls"
Mixed Media, Size 15 X 19
"Bird Notes"
Collage Size 16" X 20
"Into the Deep"
Acrylic 10 x 20
"Tide Pools"
Mixed Media 11 X 14.
"The Post Master"
Collage 17 X 21.
Visions of Lantau
Mixed Media, Size 16" X 20
"Seekers of the Sun"
Acrylic/Collage 18 X 26.
"River Rocks"
Acrylic/Collage 20” X 16”
"Power of Red"
Collage, Size 17" X 21
"Vertical Hold"
Acrylic/Collage, Size 22 1/2" X 10
"Sea of Magma"
Acrylic/Collage, Size 4.5" X 4.5
"Spirit Shawl"
Mixed Media 20 X 25
"Split Infinity"
Acrylic and Sand, Size 30 X 17.25